Blog and news

11 February 2023

Your Channel Islands Coop have teamed up with the Jersey Evening Post and a whole host of top local chefs to celebrate great taste and value.

Because we believe that every islander should be able to enjoy good, delicious, homemade food at a reasonable price, is the reason why we’ve set the #FamilyMealsforaFiver challenge.

From top restaurants to catering students, the aim of the challenge is to show that good food can be affordable, reduce waste, and help with the finances in the cost-of-living crisis.

So how does it work?

The rules are simple: the aim is to create a dish that can feed a family (in this instance, up to four people), and be created for a budget of just five pounds.

Many of the recipes do assume that the ‘cupboard staples’ are available, such as seasoning, oil, butter. But the recipes and the methods are completely up to our chefs, which makes for some genius, inventive and unique dishes. 

We have also allowed that the ingredients of some recipes might cost slightly more than £5 provided that, when the recipes are looked at per portion/per person, the combined total of the ingredients does not exceed £5. 

Sounds difficult? It might just be easier than you think.


Being creative with cooking

As the chefs prove with their variety of recipes and ideas, cooking on a budget is all about planning and being creative with your cooking.

For instance, Bohemia head chef, Callum Graham used ingredients from the Refill station in store to help keep costs at a minimum. While An Island Chef blogger, Christian Gott created simple meals which could double-up as a lunch or brunch the next day.

It is about inspiring islanders that so many meal ideas can be created from the simplest of ingredients.


We’re here for you

We know that things are tough for so many of us right now. It’s why initiatives like this are so important – to help us to create good food at a reasonable price, and help islanders during when finances are stretched.

It’s also why we will promise to continue working with local charities and food banks – like St Vincent de Paul, Grace Trust and Guernsey Welfare Service, supporting our communities in our islands.

Can’t cook, no worries

It’s meant so much to us that top local chefs have stepped up to our initiative. We’re so pleased to have great island cooks on-board including, David Cameron of Randall’s, Will Holland from Jersey’s Atlantic Hotel and Bernie Donnelly from the Pomme D'or Hotel.

What’s more, it is not about being a master chef or an expert foodie, but just creating the best from the basics.   

‘I think it’s important when considering this challenge to try to think about cooking skills, energy costs and nutrition as well as flavour, and so I’ve tried to keep the recipes as easy as I could,’ says Christian Gott, writer, chef and founder of blog, An Island Chef.

‘I have left the skins on the potatoes and carrots, which is where you find the most vitamins and minerals, and I’ve used as few pans and trays as possible. I’ve also kept the cooking methods very straightforward.

‘I have to say I am really happy with the finished results – and they taste pretty good, too.’


Check out some of the recipes from our Family Meals for a Fiver series. You can also find out how to support our island's local food banks.

For more foodie inspiration and cooking on a budget ideas, why not head to our recipe pages to try more Honest Value Recipes , Refill Station recipes, or Money Saving recipe ideas.